Sunday, 22 May 2011

A Pretty Little Apple.

 I was wandering around Mia's garden whilst she was out.
(Yes, I tend to do things like that!) and...

I saw a pretty little apple sitting on a post
When I turned it over I discovered it was toast.
There were all kinds of critters living deep inside,
The tiny little insects had opened it wide.
I thought of James and The Giant Peach,
But decided such an adventure was far out of reach.
Instead of finding it disgusting or considering it gory
I kind of got a kick out of the fact that here was another story

I have a challenge for you now, whoever brings the biggest smile to my dial with some kind of life metaphore or a silly little poem about Mia's apple will receive a surprise gift from me.
Come on creative thinkers, log on and post a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Ha....I am so not a poet! And I don't think it counts as a limerick as I think they are supposed to have 5 lines only!

    I won't be giving up my day job quite yet!!

    Went to see Mia who wasn’t at home
    Looked all around, we appeared all alone
    Then there on a post an apple with red skin
    A hole eaten through with critters therein
    We poked it about, the critters alive
    Counted them too, there were at least five
