Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Lost Or Stolen Or Strayed

                                                 NAME:           ROCK AND ROLL CHICKEN


Sunday, 18 September 2011

Canola Dance Queen

Sometimes when the fancy takes you to do something silly,
spontaneous and wacky, you just have to do it.
We drove past this paddock and when I asked Pip
"Do you want to dance in the flowers?"
The "Yes please!" was so heart felt we just had to do it.

A policeman even drove past us and waved.

Do something odd today, I dare you.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Measures of Success

 For me, it has never been about how much money I earn,
or how flash the car, or even how fancy the clothes.
Let's face it.
I've never earnt good money, my cars have just been cars
and I am far more comfortable in work boots and jeans than anything else.

I used to measure success at work by teaching the kids
useful social skills - catching the bus,
learning their phone number. Safe sex.
How things have changed.
Just now, I was making my bed.
It is quite possibly the fifth time I have done it today.
I realized that these days I measure success
by keeping up with the washing,
leaving the house with all beds made,
not yelling too many times in a day,
getting at least some fruit and veggies into the kids.
Today was pretty successful by these standards.

We got to kinder almost on time.
I did 2 loads of washing.
The house is clean and beds are made.(For now.)
I cut apple into "apple chips" so it was eaten.

We are going to a reptile birthday party soon.
Life is getting back into the swing of things.
With the last few weeks of upheaval,
I've realized that I really like my boring old
kinder, swimming lesson, ballet class Mum routine.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Trauma Nurse

 After the disasterous couple of weeks we have had I decided to go by the theory
'If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
The last thing I wanted to do was to get all philosophical and try to find meaning and discuss inner strength. Best just let it go unblogged.

I was thinking today however, that I could have done with one of those funny little trauma teddies they give kids in hospital.
So I got on to Ric Rac Softie Tutorial and made myself a little Trauma Nurse Puppet.
Pip says it is hers and I will let her think that, but really, Nurse Pinky is mine.