Friday, 16 September 2011

Measures of Success

 For me, it has never been about how much money I earn,
or how flash the car, or even how fancy the clothes.
Let's face it.
I've never earnt good money, my cars have just been cars
and I am far more comfortable in work boots and jeans than anything else.

I used to measure success at work by teaching the kids
useful social skills - catching the bus,
learning their phone number. Safe sex.
How things have changed.
Just now, I was making my bed.
It is quite possibly the fifth time I have done it today.
I realized that these days I measure success
by keeping up with the washing,
leaving the house with all beds made,
not yelling too many times in a day,
getting at least some fruit and veggies into the kids.
Today was pretty successful by these standards.

We got to kinder almost on time.
I did 2 loads of washing.
The house is clean and beds are made.(For now.)
I cut apple into "apple chips" so it was eaten.

We are going to a reptile birthday party soon.
Life is getting back into the swing of things.
With the last few weeks of upheaval,
I've realized that I really like my boring old
kinder, swimming lesson, ballet class Mum routine.

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