Saturday, 31 March 2012

Today's Wish List

This morning I woke up to a clean and tidy house.
We won't discuss the dead rat in the roof though or what it smells like.

This is what I would like to achieve today:
1.    Bake bread.
2.    1 load of washing in. 3 out.
3.    Re-make beds.
4.    Plant up lots of tiny flower pots with the kids.
5.    Put veggie seedlings in garden.
6.    Feed and water the  animals.
7.    Buy a birthday present for a party tomorrow.
8.    Buy pantomime tickets for next week.
9.    Be ready by 1pm for a meeting.
10.  Try to keep the house cool calm and collected.
11.  Look half decent for when we go out tonight.                       
      (Child free, with lipstick, like adults do.)

 How I plan to achieve this:
1.    Keep sense of humour.
2.    Continuously feed the kids.
3.    Don't look at the increasingly messy house.
4.    Ignore Jacks new trick of jumping on oranges to watch them explode.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Objects of Desire

All that timber, varnish, creaking ropes...
either you get it or you don't.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Best In Show

 We went to the Bellarine Agricultural Show today.
We have come home exhausted.
 We guessed the weight of the cow.

 Patted ducklings,


 and goats.

 We squirted the fire hose.

Slid on a slide,

 whirled around and around.

But best of all. 
We entered a cockroach (last minute plan obviously!) 
we found under some mulch, in the Best Pet Show.
We won under the  most unusual category!!!

Boy it was funny.
We rushed out onto the oval with the little critter 
and lined up with several dogs, a goat and a sheep.

When the MC announced "Pippa with her pet cockroach," the crowd roared with laughter.
When asked it's name she responded "Barbie Fashionista."
Then the CFA mascot bear came over and Pip freaked out to more applause.
(Both kids are scared of people in animal suits.)

All the other entrants had gone to a lot of trouble.
They paraded their pets and had them perform tricks.
We just tried to get away from the bear, Barbie did not perform any tricks.

Thanks to the cockroach we won a first place sash and $10...
...Barbie went back to the garden.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Message In A Bottle.

Sometimes have moments when I wonder why I am blogging.
At times it feels so pointless, other times I really enjoy it.
I wonder if anyone is reading what I send out there.
Then I wonder if people should be reading what I send out there.
Should our little lives be documented or should I just get on with living it?

…we found a message in a bottle.

Early Sunday morning we left home to give Paul a chance to sleep in 
and went to the Back Beach.
We built a sandcastle and decorated it with dead crabs and cuttlefish.
(I decided not to take my phone or camera…just do the living it bit.) 

We explored the sand dunes.
Played ‘Aborigines’ and the kids painted me with different coloured mud.
We met a lady who was an art restorer.
We found a message in a bottle half buried in sand. 

A message was written on white paper with blue lines.
A blue ballpoint pen was used.
A small white bread tag was used to tie the note. 

We wondered what it would have inside.
A letter?
A map?

Points of interest:
Scilla is a place in Italy.
Scilla is the botanical name for a hyacinth.
Scilla is the name of a character in a Warlord computer game.
Scilla was a mythical sea monster.

Who or what do you think this is about?