Saturday, 31 March 2012

Today's Wish List

This morning I woke up to a clean and tidy house.
We won't discuss the dead rat in the roof though or what it smells like.

This is what I would like to achieve today:
1.    Bake bread.
2.    1 load of washing in. 3 out.
3.    Re-make beds.
4.    Plant up lots of tiny flower pots with the kids.
5.    Put veggie seedlings in garden.
6.    Feed and water the  animals.
7.    Buy a birthday present for a party tomorrow.
8.    Buy pantomime tickets for next week.
9.    Be ready by 1pm for a meeting.
10.  Try to keep the house cool calm and collected.
11.  Look half decent for when we go out tonight.                       
      (Child free, with lipstick, like adults do.)

 How I plan to achieve this:
1.    Keep sense of humour.
2.    Continuously feed the kids.
3.    Don't look at the increasingly messy house.
4.    Ignore Jacks new trick of jumping on oranges to watch them explode.

1 comment:

  1. Problem is by the time you have done all this you don't feel like going out!!! Better to have a nice slow day.
