Sunday, 11 March 2012

Best In Show

 We went to the Bellarine Agricultural Show today.
We have come home exhausted.
 We guessed the weight of the cow.

 Patted ducklings,


 and goats.

 We squirted the fire hose.

Slid on a slide,

 whirled around and around.

But best of all. 
We entered a cockroach (last minute plan obviously!) 
we found under some mulch, in the Best Pet Show.
We won under the  most unusual category!!!

Boy it was funny.
We rushed out onto the oval with the little critter 
and lined up with several dogs, a goat and a sheep.

When the MC announced "Pippa with her pet cockroach," the crowd roared with laughter.
When asked it's name she responded "Barbie Fashionista."
Then the CFA mascot bear came over and Pip freaked out to more applause.
(Both kids are scared of people in animal suits.)

All the other entrants had gone to a lot of trouble.
They paraded their pets and had them perform tricks.
We just tried to get away from the bear, Barbie did not perform any tricks.

Thanks to the cockroach we won a first place sash and $10...
...Barbie went back to the garden.

1 comment:

  1. Please keep blogging. I love to read what you and the kids are doing and it always raises a smile!!! Would love to catch up face to face more but with all of us rushing from place to place it doesn't happen as much as it should but it is great to see what every one is up to.
